tugas softskill(visi dan misi capres prabowo-hatta dan jokowi-jk)
Vision and mission prabowo-hatta
implementation of mission-Hatta Prabowo will earnestly implemented the "real work" as follows:
1. Establish a strong economy, sovereign, just and prosperous
2. Implement the people's economy
3. Rebuilding food sovereignty, energy and natural resources
4. Improving the quality of human resources to implement education reforms
5. Improving the quality of social development through health programs, social, religious, cultural and sporting
6. Accelerating infrastructure development
7. Keeping the preservation of nature and environment
8. Establish a government that protects the people, free of corruption, and effective serve.
put forward a vision "" Building Indonesia united, sovereign, just and prosperous and dignified "
There are 6 Party Coalition are:
1. PKB
2. Gerindra
3. Golkar
4. Hanura
5. PPP
6. PAN
Vision and mission jokowi-jk
Vision: "The realization of Indonesia's Sovereign, Independent and personality Based on Mutual Aid"
Mission:1. Achieve national security that is able to maintain the sovereignty of the area, sustain economic independence by securing maritime resources, and reflect the personality of Indonesia as an archipelago.2. Brought advanced society, berkeseimbangan and democratic state based on law.3. Achieve foreign policy free-active and strengthening identity as a maritime nation.4. Realizing the quality of Indonesian human life is high, advanced and prosperous.5. Realizing the power of the nation-competitive.6. Realizing maritime Indonesia became independent, advanced, powerful and based on national interests.7. Brought personality society in culture.We offer a solution to bring the life of the nation to a better direction by moving the spirit of mutual cooperation for the realization of Indonesian sovereign in the political, economic self-reliance and personalities in culture.We offer 12 strategic agenda in bringing Indonesian sovereign in politics, 16 strategic agenda for leading independent Indonesia's economic and strategic agenda for Indonesian 3 personality in culture. Of the 31 agenda was squeezed again become a priority in the government agenda 9 forward.Nine Priority Agenda (referred to Nawa job):1. We will bring back the state to protect all people and provide security to all citizens.2. We will make the government do not miss to build clean governance, an effective, democratic, and reliable.3. Indonesian We will build from the periphery to strengthening daaerah areas and villages within the framework of a unitary state.4. Weak state we will refuse to carry out reform and law enforcement system that is free of corruption, dignity and trustworthy
5. We will improve the quality of Indonesian human life.6. We will improve people's productivity and competitiveness in the international market7. We will achieve economic independence by moving the strategic sectors of the domestic economy.8. Revolution We will do the nation's character9. We will reinforce all Bhineka's restoration and strengthening social Indonesian
There are 5 Party collisions are:
2. PKB
3. Nasdem
4. Hanura
5. PKP
source : http://www.solopos.com/2014/06/08/pilpres-2014-inilah-visi-dan-misi-jokowi-jk-511939
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