tugas softskill (perkembangan ekonomi indonesia dari bp soekarno sampai bp susilo bambang yudhoyono)

   History of Indonesian Economic Development Since Sukarno Period Until the Reformation    Era

-The old order (Guided Democracy)
Financial state of the economy in the early days of independence is very bad, partly due to:

1. Inflation is very high, due to the release of more than one currency uncontrollably. At that time, the Indonesian government temporarily declared three currencies applicable in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia, namely De Javasche Bank's currency, the currency of the Netherlands East Indies, and the Japanese occupation currency.
2. The existence of economic blockade by the Netherlands since November 1945 to close the doors of foreign trade RI
3. Empty state coffers.  
4. Large-scale exploitation in the colonial period. 

Efforts are being made to overcome the economic difficulties, among others:
-National Loan program implemented by the finance minister Ir. Surachman with the approval of BP-KNIP, conducted in July 1946.
-Economic Conference in February 1946 in order to obtain unanimous agreement in tackling economic problems are urgent, namely: the problem of production and distribution of food, clothing issues, as well as the status and administration of estates

     Entering the 1950s after the crisis of the post-independence Indonesia tries to thrive in the economic system into a Liberal Democracy. At this time the government issued policies based on liberal principles, but all of the policy at that time actually exacerbate the economy. Because the indigenous people are still losing competitiveness by non-indigenous people, especially the people of China. Until the government finally issued an attempt to overcome the slump with a variety of policies that created such as: Sjafruddin scissors (cutting the value of money), the program citadel, nationalize De Javasche Bank to Bank Indonesia, Ali-Baba economic system, as well as the unilateral cancellation of the results of the RTC. All policies were enough to make the economy at that time a little better.
     Over time, in 1959 Indonesia's economy running system of guided democracy is marked by the release of the Presidential Decree of July 5, 1959. Lot of policies made ​​at that time, the government expects to achieve prosperity and welfare. However, these policies have not been able to improve the state of the Indonesian economy. Monetary policies that have failed are: devaluation lowers the value of money and the creation of economic declaration. Maybe at that time these policies failed because the number of factors one of which is: the number of lighthouse projects and also due to the upheaval with neighboring Malaysia and Western countries.

       Having experienced many ups and downs especially during the economic decline of the power of the President Sukarno. Until finally Soekarno fell from the throne of leadership was replaced by Suharto, Suharto's policies for national development, political, and economic improvement, the economic system is commonly called the New Order economic system. At the beginning of the new order, the economic and political stabilization is a top priority. Business-oriented government programs to control inflation. In that period, Indonesia's economy is growing rapidly although in practice this occurs simultaneously with rampant corruption. In addition, the gap between rich and poor people are also getting wider.
       Advantages of the New Order economic system is the development of Indonesia's GDP per capita in 1968 is only U.S. $ 70 in 1996 and has reached more than U.S. $ 1,000. Even nlai dibandungkan rupiah strengthened with foreign faluta like Japan. However, despite the progress that has resulted from the new order of government issued policies there are also drawbacks, such as: the amount of corruption, collusion, and nepotism, Indonesia's development is uneven, increasing social inequality, as well as the freedom of speech is restricted.
        Indonesian society finally pressed the president Suharto to step down, the group most responsible are students. After much unrest everywhere in Jakarta until the student finally managed to occupy the capitol. Finally a president who has served ± 32 years was also stepped down in 1998.
The negative impact of economic conditions in the New Order Indonesia, among others:
1. Dependence on Oil and Gas (Oil and Gas)
Oil and Gas is one of the main sources of income for the state budget. So the price of oil and gas is very influential for that state revenues falling oil prices led to declining state revenues.
2. Dependence on Foreign Aid
Due to reduced revenue from oil and gas, the government rescheduling of projects - existing development projects, especially the use of foreign exchange. Seek an increase in non-oil commodity exports and the last requested an increase in foreign loans to countries - developed countries.
     The late 1970s, the development process in Indonesia has "non market failure" so a lot of hassles in the process of development, for example, the outbreak of widespread poverty and income inequality, mainly due to the "market failure".
     Approaching the mid-1980s , there was a failure of government ( non market ) in the mechanism adjusts its performance to market dynamics . Indonesian economy faces severe challenges due to the deterioration of foreign exchange earnings from petroleum exports in the early 1980s . Indonesia's development policies are taken , known as " structural adjustment " in which there are four types of policy adjustments as follows :a. Short -term stabilization programs or policies of demand management in the form of fiscal policy , monetary and exchange rate with the aim of lowering the level of aggregate demand .b . Structural policies in order to improve output through increased efficiency and resource allocation by reducing the distortion caused by price controls , taxes , subsidies and trade barriers , tariff and non tariff . Policy " Paknov 1988 " that removes the import monopoly for some steel products and other essential raw materials , has pushed the market mechanism to function effectively at the time .c . Policy of increasing the productive capacity of the economy through the promotion of savings and investment . Improvements government savings through fiscal reforms , improve public savings through financial sector reforms and encourage investment by providing incentives and loosening restrictions .d . Policy creates a legal environment that can encourage the effective operation of market mechanisms including guarantees property rights and various supporting measures such as legal and regulatory reform , rules guaranteeing free competition and a variety of programs that allow such an environment .
The impact of these policies on macroeconomic convincing enough , as foreign investment continues to rise , the source of increased income tax system improvements , industrial productivity which supports non-oil exports also increased . New Order administration build -oriented economy only high economic growth and control inflation without regard to the economic foundation that gives impact as follows :· Quality of Human Resources ( HR ) of Indonesia , as one of the factors of production , is not prepared to support the industrialization process .· Goods - goods imports ( foreign origin ) is more widely used as raw materials in industrial processes so that the Indonesian industry relies heavily on imported goods .· Development is not evenly distributed throughout Indonesia and to all the people of Indonesia that few political elites and bureaucrats and businessmen - Chinese businessmen close to power are enjoying the fruits of development .
     During the reform of the Indonesian economy gradually improved, the prices of essential goods is also back to normal. Developments in the reform era is a form of improvement in all areas that have yet to find a clear direction. Development still tug which should take precedence. But at least the reform has brought Indonesia to be better revamp his fate without getting mired in the moral depravity of human beings before
   Government reform from 1998 to the present has experienced several changes of presidents , among others:1 . Mr. BJ Habibie (May 21, 1998-20 Oktober 1999)At the time of presdiden BJ Habibie, who started the reform period have not made changes significant in economics . Preferred policies to stabilize the political situation in Indonesia . President BJ Habibie fall of his government for release of Timor - Timor from Indonesian region polled .2 . Mr. Abdurrahman Wahid (October 20, 1999-23 July 2001 )During the leadership of president Abdurrahman Wahid has been no means sufficient action to save Indonesia from adversity . Leadership Abdurraman Wahid ended because of his administration to confront the problem of conflict between ethnic and inter-religious .3 . Mrs. Megawati ( 23 July 2001-20 October 2004 )The leadership of Megawati experiencing urgent problems to be solved , namely economic recovery and law enforcement . The policies adopted for handling his economic problems , among others :· Ask delay debt payments of U.S. $ 5.8 billion in Paris Club meeting 3rd and allocate foreign debt amounting to Rp 116.3 trillion· Privatization policy . Privatization is selling companies in the country in the period of crisis with the aim of protecting the company's state of political forces intervene and reduce the burden on the state . Proceeds successfully raised Indonesia's economic growth to 4.1 % . However, this policy sparked a lot of controversy , because SOEs are privatized sold to foreign companies . Megawati intend to take the middle ground by selling some state assets to pay the foreign debt . However , the national debt ballooned anyway because state revenues from a variety of assets have been lost and state revenues to be greatly reduced .
4 . Mr. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono ( October 20, 2004 - present )The leadership there SBY controversial policy stance is· Reducing fuel subsidies , or in other words to increase fuel prices . This policy is motivated by the rise in world oil prices . Budget subsidies transferred to the education and health sectors , as well as areas that support the well-being of society .· The first controversial policy raises two controversial policies , which direct cash assistance ( BLT ) for the poor . Most BLT did not get to have the right hand , and the division caused various social problems .· Relying on bulk infrastructure development to encourage economic growth as well as inviting foreign investors with the promise of improving the investment climate . One of them is holding Indonesian Infrastructure Summit in November 2006 , which brought together investors with head - kepaladaerah . Investment is a key factor to determine employment . This may underlie the government's policy has always aimed to provide convenience for investors , especially foreign investors , one of which is a revision of labor laws . If more and more foreign investment in Indonesia , the expected number of employment opportunities will also increase .· Institute a state KPK ( Corruption Eradication Commission ) that run on the SBY government is able to eradicate the corrupt but still lags far out of reach before because SBY not implement the system Law Hard Soft Law . That is SBY not crack down on the people who did so much corruption going on money politics and the corruptors will not be a deterrent and many are repeat . Judging from all the country could be harmed massively and to date the State's economy is unstable .· Fuel conversion program to gas fuel because fuel supplies are running low and the high market price .· Rice import policy , but this policy makes the farmers because grain prices become screaming dropped or fall dramaticallyIn 2006 Indonesia pay off the entire remaining debt to the IMF ( International Monetary Fund ) . With this , it is expected that Indonesia does not follow the agenda of the IMF in determining domestic policy . But discourse to owe more on overseas again emerged , after the release of a report that the economic gap between the rich and poor narrowed , and the number of poor people increased from 35.10 soul in February 2005 to 39.05 million in March 2006 . Thing this is due to several things , such as bank lending to the real sector is still lacking ( banks prefer to deposit funds in SBI ) , so that the performance of the real sector and the lack of impact on the decline in investment . State spending was also more swollen due to the frequent occurrence of natural disasters that struck the country .
   sources : http://rimanurl.blogspot.com/2014/04/sejarah-perkembangan-perekonomian.html


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