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Tugas softskill bahasa inggris 2 (karangan tentang ekonomi)

Merger Merger is a process of diffusion or merger of two companies with one of them still standing with the name of the company while others disappear with all names and wealth included in the company that remains standing. Types of mergers A. Merger horizontally Is a merger between two or more companies where all companies are engaged in the same line of business. Or it can be said of the occurrence of horizontal fusion that is, if two or more companies that mostly have the market purchases and disposal markets are equally merged into one. B. Vertical mergers A vertical merger is a combination between two or more companies with which one acts as a supplier to another. Or it can be said that this vertical fusion / merger occurs when the company is united with other companies, which further work on the goods made by the first company. C. The merger is generic What is meant by a merger generic is a company that joins each other with similar characteristics, but can not be sai...

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